I don't know if it's age(I will be 51 in January) or if it's the fact that I am almost an empty nester(my baby is a Senior in high school, I have two girls in college and my oldest just graduated college) but I have been feeling a little off-course lately. Actually, if I am totally honest with myself, it may be fear of change that's making me feel so strange.Change is hard isn't it…but, as I have learned over the years, it's necessary and most often produces great results. "All things work together for good." Love that bible scripture :) Romans 8:28I generally try my best to embrace change and even look forward to it but I am not doing so well with this one. It's causing quite a tail spin.
Browsing on Pinterest is inspiring. Here's a good read below from Maria Shriver about empty nesting.
I love number 6 on Maria Shriver's list for empty nesters!
"6. Parents don’t like me when I say this and yet it is true, YOUR CHILDREN LEAD NOW. What I mean is: they decide when to call and connect. Would you want to stop what you are doing at 8 p.m. on a Sunday and call home? You also get to ask for what you want and negotiate. Learn to carry opposites by saying, THIS IS TRUE AND THAT IS ALSO TRUE. You are building self compassion and trust."
Through this new journey of change, I have become aware that I need to do more than I am currently doing. I need to give more, do more and be more of the person I was designed to be. (I mentioned foster care to my husband a few days ago, casually of course. He looked at me like I had lost my mind. I could read his…). So for now, I am starting with Dwell with Dignity and looking forward to being a part of such a great organization that helps so many families. I feel like giving of my time and design talent to Dwell with Dignity will be a great place to start.
Design & Retail Workshops coming in 2015!!!
And…beginning again in January, I will be giving back to all of you and teaching new and exciting design & retail workshops! I am so excited about doing more workshops! I had so much fun teaching and sharing all that I know with all of you. I miss it. So stay tuned for an upcoming schedule of dates and classes. My Mom has always asked me, "how do you do what you do?" I feel like it's time to answer that question. But I can't do it without your help. Please take a few moments and let me know what it is that you would like to learn from me. I am happy to share and teach you what I have learned over the past 27 years as a designer and independent retailer. Want to learn how to pull a room together? Or maybe you need retail consulting? Let me know what you are interested in learning. This is going to be fun!!
And so it begins...
Cheers to change!