Cheers to 2016!! Part One
Good morning friends,It's been awhile since I have written a blog post, a long while actually as I have spent most of 2015 with my head down recovering from the mistakes of 2013-2014, lol. It's been an uphill climb my friends, I kid you not. It's been one of the hardest years of my professional career(aside from 2007 which is was a nightmare all of it's own and a story for another day).Why you ask? Allow me to share a few things wtih you.As an entrepreneur, my mind is always dreaming and creating. It's non-stop brain activity for me. It's exhilarating but can be exhausting at the same time. Ideas can be successful and then they can be draining. That's just part of the process. It's a roller coaster of a career. But, I am a risk-taker; I am a business woman who isnt afraid to stick her neck out and try new things. Hence, sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail.2013-2014 was a very humbling experience for me. And although there were many wonderful and successful moments within the journey of 2013-2014, it was an experience that cost me a great deal financially and emotionally. I was never so happy as to see that journey come to an end. Seriously, there were tears of JOY when it finally ended. It was one of the hardest, most challenging journeys of my career. But beacause I am not one to dwell on the past, I look back and am thankful for the many, many grand moments along the journey, like selling a gorgeous piece of furniture to the PRESIDENT of Jimmy Choo, USA., and having KHH featured in PaperCity Dallas, LUXE Magazine, DHome Magazine and landing my FIRST MAGAZINE COVER ever! It just so happens that all of that wonder was smack dab in the middle of the worst business year and a half of my life. I was happy to see that journey come to a close and to take my grand moments and move forward way beyond 2013-2014.2015 has been a year of recovering from 2013-2014. And 2016 will join 2015 as another year of recovery. That's just business. You have to take the good with the bad. You have to "suck it up cupcake" and move beyond the past or it can really weigh you down. It's like they say, "if you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen." It's just part of business. If you don't take the risks, you don't move forward. And I like growing and moving forward. So that's what I do, I take risks that allow me to move forward even if "forward" means learning a lot along the way, the hard way. I PUSH forward(because sometimes that's what it takes to get beyond our failures) and I leave the past in the past where it belongs.
My work is my hobby, my continuing education and my profession. I love what I do. I love to create beauty. I can't imagine doing anything else. Creating beauty makes me feel closer to God. I feel like I am my best me and the me that God intended me to be when I am creating beauty and using the talents that he has given me. So I move forward and create more beauty. It's just what I do and I am blessed beyond measure to be able to do it.
So what does 2016 look like? Well, after much prayer, soul searching and planning, 2016 is going to be a year of a fresh start, a year of allowing myself time to breathe. It's a year to BREATHE; to take the time to RELAX and to EXPLORE. My word for the year...BREATHE. My action for the year...RELAX. My intention for the year...EXPLORE.To BREATHE, I must focus on my breath. Which means that I have to slow down and allow myself the TIME to BREATHE. If you have practiced yoga then you know that breathing properly isn't as easy as it sounds. It takes concentration. It takes discipline. So for 2016, I am going to practice breathing correctly. And it's going to take focus and discipline. It's going to take removing myself from things that I may find difficult leave but things that are not allowing me the time that I need to BREATHE properly. I need to BREATHE properly to be able to RELAX and EXPLORE.
To RELAX, I must give myself permission to let go of stress and fear and worry. I must be willing to RELAX because it's a tall order and I am NOT good at it. I feel a constant need to be busy, to be cranking out the goods. But this I know, to truly RELAX is to be closer to God. For it is in the quiet moments that he speaks to me and draws me closer. It is in these quiet, still moments that I am able to feel his presence in my life and know that he has control.
To EXPLORE, I must first be willing to take the journey. I must be willing to step out in faith and reach beyond what I can see. To fully EXPLORE in 2016, I must have the faith to move beyond my comfort zone and embrace the fear and challenge of new adventures. To truly EXPLORE, I must leave behind my fear of being uncomfortable. I need to EXPLORE new things.
Cheers to a brand new year full of possibilities and successes!! I am really looking forward to all that 2016 brings and excited about the new places I will be going with KHH and new adventures that we will be taking along the way.
All images courtesy of Pinterest
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Thurs, Fri & Saturdays 10:30-5:30pm