Jen Hatmaker - 7 An Experimental Mutiny
My dear sweet niece introduced me to Jen Hatmaker yesterday and I already love this woman! I read through her blog this morning and I laughed out loud the entire time. I could so relate to exactly what she is going through with the end of school! She is so funny!Her blog post yesterday was about the challenges of getting through the end of school, the last few weeks and how we all have just had all we can take. It's a must read!I surfed around her site and ran across her books and then watched a video of her latest book entitled "7 - An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess". I was immediately intrigued. Over the past few years I have felt that my family lives in excess. I mean, we throw away so much trash, and if something breaks we just buy a new one?!? Why does my daughter have 30 plus pair of shoes and still think she doesn't have enough?(and I am guilty as well, lol). Why do we use water bottles, seriously, what happened to water from the tap(filtered, of course)? For my family any way, excess is something that needs to be addressed and has been on my heart for awhile now. So this book was an answer to prayer.Watch the video here:7 An Experimental Mutiny in Excess...pretty cool concept. I wonder if I can do it???(WE)
How about you? Are there areas in your where you are living in excess? It's something to think about anyway. What can you do without or lesson? When I look around my house I see so many areas of our lives that could be better managed. And that's just it; it's not about giving it all away, it's just about taking some time to manage our lives a little more sensibly. I love the concept and it feels so good to know I can at least make an attempt with the help of Jen's book and with lots of help from the good Lord above :) I have a feeling I am gonna need it!Have a great Friday!XOXOKim